Buildings & complexes
Hitler bunker ("
Führer Bunker
"), Berlin, Germany
V1 Launching site,
, Germany
Submarine production site "
U-Bootbunkerwerft Hornisse
", Bremen, Germany
Operational headquarters Adolf Hitler (
Führerhauptquartier "Felsennest"
), Rodert, Germany
Submarine production site "
U-Bootbunkerwerft Elbe II
", Hamburg, Germany
Anti-Aircraft bunkers in Hamburg (
Hamburg-Wilhemsburg and Heiligengeistfeld
), Hamburg, Germany
Submarine production site "
U-Bootbunkerwerft Fink II
", Hamburg, Germany
Luftwaffe ammunition dump Crawinkel (
Luftmunitionsanstalt Crawinkel
), Crawinkel, Germany
Nazi province authorities ("
Gauforum Weimer
"), Weimer, Germany
Submarine production site "
U-Bootbunkerwerft Valentine
", Bremen, Germany
German Army Communication centre ("
"), Giessen, Germany
Submarine production site "
U-Bootbunkerwerft Kilian
", Kiel, Germany
German concrete Air Raid Shelters ("
Submarine production site "
U-Bootbunkerwerft Konrad
", Kiel, Germany
Hermann Göring Estate "
", Schorfheide (near Friedrichwalde), Germany
Operational headquarters Adolf Hitler (
Führerhauptquartier "Wolfschanze"
), Ketzryn (Rastenburg), Poland
V2 rocket testing centre Peenemünde ("
Heimat Artillery Park 11
"), Peenemünde, Germany
Site of the German Long Range gun ("
" or "
Hoch Druck Pumpe
, France
Underground production of airplanes (
SS-Führungsstab B12
), Niedersachsenwerfen, Germany
Underground production of Radio tubes/Light bulbes/Tank engines (
SS-Führungsstab A5
Litomerice (Leitmeritz
), Czech
Underground production of V-weapons (
Mittelwerk GmbH
), Salza/Thüringen, Germany
First V2 launching site in France ("
1ère Base de V2 Le Blockhaus D'Eperlecques
"), Eperlecques, France
V2 Launching site ("
La Coupole
"), Wizernes, France
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