Musée Août 1944

(Museum August 1944)


The museum is located at the border of the French town called Falaise, Normandy, France. The museum is part of the "Le Dénouement" ("Outcome") route in Normandie. This is one of the 8 tourist routes that guide you through the Normandy battlefields. You can find information on these routes with most of the tourist offices.The routes are very well signed.

Chemin des Roche
14700 Falaise
Telephone 02 31 90 37 19


The museum describes the history of the Battle of the Falaise Pocket, the end of the Battle of Normandy in August 1944 and the defeat of the German forces in France.

Opening hours:

From the first saturday of April to November 11th, from 10.00-12.00 and 14.00-18.00

(data verified in 1997)



  A German 8,8cm Anti-Aircraft gun, used by the Spanish Army.
  A German type IV tank (Sd.Kfz. 161 Ausf. H or PanzerKampfwagen IV)


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